Job Offers

How to apply:

Applying In-World

  1. Make a note card with the following (Name the note card, Your Log in name and PMPJob)
    • Name and Log in Name
    • What you would like to be (ex. Model, Photographer, Officer)
    • Experience? (If yes, please state the past modeling jobs you have had)
    • How long you have been on Second Life
    • Why you would like to work for Precious Moments.
    • Also, if you are wanting to become a model, please add a mugshot (head shot) photo of yourself.
  2. Once finished send the application to JennyMay22 and you will hear back from her within 24 hours, if you have not heard back, please send JennyMay22 an IM and she will get back to you.

Applying via Facebook

  1. Write a message to Zoe Claire Brown including the following:
    • Name and Log in Name
    • What you would like to be (ex. Model, Photographer, Officer)
    • Experience? (If yes, please state the past modeling jobs you have had)
    • How long have you been on Second life?
    • Why you would like to work for Precious Moments. 
    •  Also, if you are wanting to become a model, please add a mugshot (head shot) photo of yourself.
  2. Once finished send the message and she will get back to you within 24 hours. If she has not responded within 24 hours via Facebook, check your Second Life, if you have not gotten an IM or note card from her on Second Life, feel free to IM her and let her know.

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